The Ultimate Gift for YOU

Now that the holiday season is officially over, it's time to get right back into the swing of things. But before you forget how long and hard you worked making the holidays joyous for everyone else, take a minute to reward yourself. By now you have had the time to hit up the stores and return all the useless gifts Santa stuffed in your stockings and your Christmas money should be spent on, well you! What better gift could you get yourself than one you will use every day and which will improve your quality of life? What might this magical purchase be?

Well, an ergonomic Herman Miller Aeron chair of course! What could be better than treating yourself to a Herman Miller chair that will be there for you every day?? It won't be upset if you're late to work and it will be there for you through the long stressful nights. And when you decide it's sadly time to leave Herman (I mean why not name the chair, am I right?) for the day, you're back will be forever grateful that you spent the day with the most ergonomic chair around!

Do it for your back, do it for you.

Herman Miller Aeron - your back will thank you.


Craziest Chairs Ever to Come Out of Mother Earth

Craziest Chairs Ever to Come Out of Mother Earth

With weird people come weird ideas; with weird ideas come weird ideas for chairs. Here are four of the craziest chairs on the market ? one's that will make you question whether or not you live on planet Earth. Allen Jones Chair: Some people would bend over backwards to get their hands...
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Cool Offices: 4 Tech Companies with Office Perks

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Managing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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