The One Mistake You Are Making at Work


If your work week is anything like mine it consists of countless hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer. So, why make the grave mistake of sitting in a chair that does not suit you? There are numerous chairs out there, all for the choosing.

office, chair, Aeron, herman miller, Beverly Hills Chairs

For instance, you could be working your weekdays away in this fabric chair. It may be low to the ground, but at least it has a soft feel to it. Right?

Herman Miller, Aeron, desk, chair, refurbished, funny, work, comfort, office, cheap

You could be sitting in a chair such as this one. Every time you sit down to work, you can be filled with a sense of elementary school nostalgia as the chair squeaks and your butt rapidly goes numb.

Heron Miller, Aeron, chair, cheap, comfort, office, desk, refurbished, funny, work

Or you could be working in a laid-back beach chair, but that might not be the best idea. A constant reminder of where we would rather be probably won't allow us to be our most productive selves.

aeron, herman miller, ergonomic chair, lumbar support, good chair, chair, chairs, herman miller chair, herman miller chairs

Realistically, the chair you should be sitting in is a Herman Miller Aeron chair. The chair of all chairs in the office world. Not only does it have a sleek design, but it is the epitome of comfort offering the lumbar support that you probably don't know you need. If you want to change your weekdays for the better, do yourself a favor and buy this chair. Although they can be pricey, you can purchase a refurbished chair at without breaking the bank.


Health Benefits of Ergonomic Chairs

Health Benefits of Ergonomic Chairs

Er-go-nom-ics. The four syllable word is defined in?Merriam-Webster dictionary as, "an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely." The ergonomic chair is sweeping?the American workplace and post-game at...
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How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

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Five Ways to Stay Healthy Without Even Trying

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