Making Your Office More Ergonomic

In order to prevent any back or neck pain, it is certainly helpful to have an ergonomic chair, but an entire ergonomically friendly office is even better! Researchers found that those with an ergonomic office had fewer musculoskeletal pains than those with only ergonomic chairs (note, however, that those without ergonomic chairs had even more musculoskeletal pains).

Here are a few simple tips to make you office ergonomic:

1. Examine other factors

In addition to your office chair, consider other factors that may contort your body. These can include the height of your desk, the height of your computer screen, the placement of your keyboard, how far away you are from your desk and most importantly, your posture! Ideally, your body should make right angles at your knees, waist and elbows.

2. Don't sit too high.

By the end of the day, your ankles can swell anywhere from 6% to 8%! If you have poor circulation, the swelling can reach up to 10% to 15%! The ideal height of your chair should be just high enough so that your feet can rest flat on the floor. The ideal way to test this is by sliding two fingers under your thigh at the end the chair. If you can do this with ease, your chair height is fine. If you have to force your fingers under, your chair is too high.

3. Make sure your computer screen is at the correct height.

Here's a great way to test this. Close your eyes and sit correctly on your ergonomic officer chair. This includes with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, kneecaps roughly two to three inches away from the base of the chair, and head facing directly forward. Now open your eyes. You should be facing the absolute center of your computer screen. If not, adjust the screen so that it reaches that position. Your neck will thank you later.

Combine these few tips with your Herman Miller Aeron chair and you will be pain free for decades to come!


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