Your Natural Reach Zone

To keep your body from straining and stretching, keep things close to your reach. This area is the Natural Reach Zone! To make this Natural Reach Zone ergonomic, you should keep your body from being put under pressure multiple times a day by putting the things you use the most, like pencils and pens, within the area that you can keep your elbows near your body. If you use the phone a lot in your chair put it close to you as well, even if it is bulky. This means to keep the items you hardly use, like most likely folders or books, further out of reach. Set your desk up in this way to keep your body stress-free and ergonomic!


How to Make Your Chair More Ergonomic

How to Make Your Chair More Ergonomic

1. You should place your palms flat on your work surface, but if your forearms aren't level with the surface, you need to adjust your chair up or down until they are. If your chair isn't adjustable, you can effectively raise your seat by sitting on a folded towel, on...
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Posture Hacks: You Only Get One Spine

Posture Hacks: You Only Get One Spine

Practicing good posture does not have to include walking around the house with books on your head. Wear a back brace or waist trainer: ? This is a simple and instant solution to a bad habit of hunching your back. Wearing a back brace or waist trainer will force you to sit...
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Bad Posture has Harmful Effects

Bad Posture has Harmful Effects

Parents are always correcting their kids' posture: telling them to sit straighter, to stop hunching over their computer screens, and to not cross their legs. Is this all for good reason though or are these comments ones that could be dismissed as nagging? Unfortunately, parents always seem to ha...
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