Why in the world would I use an ergonomic chair?

Sitting is a position that adds tremendous stress to the structures in the human spine. In order to avoid developing or compounding back problems, it is crucial to have an ergonomic chair that supports the lower back and evokes great posture. In today's world, many will be sitting all day long ? either in office environments or operating machines.

Even thought sitting requires less physical effort than walking or standing, it still puts a lot of stress on the lumbar area. Combined effects of a sedentary lifestyle and a full time job that requires sitting could lead to many back problems. The selection of a good chair is a critical step in preventing back problems for people working in a sitting position.

A well-designed chair like the Herman Miller Aeron allows the user to sit in a balanced position. Buying an ergonomic chair is a good beginning but it must be combined with a proper posture to maximize the benefits!


Health Benefits of Ergonomic Chairs

Health Benefits of Ergonomic Chairs

Er-go-nom-ics. The four syllable word is defined in?Merriam-Webster dictionary as, "an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely." The ergonomic chair is sweeping?the American workplace and post-game at...
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How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

You hear your name called out and your heart starts racing. You look down at your palms and they are sweatier than ever. The time has come for you to give your presentation. As you walk up to the podium, you think to yourself, "If only I had prepared more!"....
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Five Ways to Stay Healthy Without Even Trying

Five Ways to Stay Healthy Without Even Trying

Health In America Arkansas; 35.9% obesity. West Virginia; 35.7% obesity. Mississippi; 35.5% obesity. The list goes on and on with exasperating numbers. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but is also land of the fat and home of the fatter. America has always been...
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