The Innovation of a Generation: A Chair

When thinking about the world's top innovations, no one would expect that a chair has any place on the list. The Herman Miller Aeron chair, however, has had a major influence in the workforce as well as in the design community. In 1994, Don Chadwick and Bill Stumpf designed this ideal chair for the office place. The chair proved to be the best ergonomic chair for people of any shape and size who are working eight-hour work shifts. Not only comfortable, this chair's sleek and innovative design made it a part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

The genius behind the comfort can be attributed to a man by the name of Dr. Brock Walker. As a researcher in fields of biomechanics and ergonomics, Dr. Walker began to think outside the box when designing the Aeron chair. Most people thought foam was the best material for comfort, but Dr. Walker took a new approach in his design. Rather than use foam, he chose to use PostureFit technology; this technology uses the body's natural tendency to tilt the pelvis forward, which is the secret behind the perfect chair.

With its museum-worthy design and ergonomic structure, the Herman Miller Aeron chair might just be one of the most influential designs of the past two decades. Now that's innovation.

To learn more about a variety of innovative chairs, check out **



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