New Year, New Resolutions

For many, New Years resolutions consists of becoming healthier. That could mean something different for everyone. There is the "eat healthy," "drink more water," "quit smoking," and the ever-popular "lose weight." But why do people always tend to miss the obvious, most simple solutions when it comes to taking care of themselves?

The most important aspect of living healthy is to make sure that all of your bones and muscles are in check. What good is a gym membership if you can't lift weights because your back is in pain. Start of 2015 by taking the right steps to health in the right order. Step One: Take care of your body. Step Two: Change your body.

Taking care of your body means different things for different people. If your neck hurts, try changing your pillows. Does your back hurt? Get a new chair. If you're sitting at a desk the whole (other than when you're at the gym!) it's important to have a comfortable chair with good back support.

The conclusion is clear. This year when you're making your resolution, make sure to look at the big picture. A new ergonomic chair might be the perfect first step in reaching your goal of a healthy body in 2015.


Bad Posture has Harmful Effects

Bad Posture has Harmful Effects

Parents are always correcting their kids' posture: telling them to sit straighter, to stop hunching over their computer screens, and to not cross their legs. Is this all for good reason though or are these comments ones that could be dismissed as nagging? Unfortunately, parents always seem to ha...
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Why the hell does everyone have an Aeron Chair

Why the hell does everyone have an Aeron Chair

The Aeron Chair by Herman Miller is a little like the universe. The more you know about it, the more you realize there's a lot to learn. And like our knowledge of the universe, knowing a thing or two about the Aeron chair can benefit us in all kinds of...
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Standing Procedure: Why You Should Never Sit Again

Standing Procedure: Why You Should Never Sit Again

Standing more can save your life. Recently, a lot of research has connected various health risks with prolonged sitting or inactivity. Most Americans spend an average of 10 hours a day sitting down. This constant sitting means your body is inactive for much longer than a quick workout can make...
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