5 Ways to Use Your Chair When You're Not Sitting on it

  • Exercise: Get those tricep dips in between emails.

  • Battle Shield: When those paper wars get intense, you have the perfect protection.

  • Ladder: Who has time to actually get a ladder or stair step? Let's be real.

  • Door Jam: Can't get that door to stay open? We've got the best prop.

  • Use it as a Mode of Transportation: Tie a rope to it and have someone pull you around. You are royalty and your feet should never have to touch the ground.


How to Amp Up Your Zoom Set-Up

How to Amp Up Your Zoom Set-Up

The platform Zoom has become a normal occurrence to most of the world by now. The increased need for virtual meetings have led to Zoom being the most used platform to meet virtually with people. Are you still struggling with looking your best on Zoom? Is your sound still subpar? We’re here to help y...
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How to Select Your Perfect Ergonomic Chair

How to Select Your Perfect Ergonomic Chair

When you decide to switch to an ergonomic chair, there are many factors to consider to find one that suits your needs and preferences.??The components of the chair must be tailored to your comfort and lifestyle. Before your purchase, it is best to inspect the chair to ensure it is functioning...
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